The Fountain Of Mutes

Friday, April 22, 2011

Recent Studies Have Shown

I recently read a study that listed the happiest countries in the world. My country of Canada was tied for second on the list. Also in second place, is Sweden. The irony of this for me is that the one thing in the world that would make me happier than anything else in the world, is currently in Sweden!

I wrote this blog entry for one person in particular.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Dictionary Not A Diary

A dictionary is a book of words with meanings.

This blog is not a diary, it is a dictionary. When I write about you, my words have meaning.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Feast Of Endless Hope

My eyes swallow your beauty whole.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Verge

It's like being at the middle of a mountain, standing on a cliff.
Staring out at the beautiful world and having a simple wish.
I wish I had the courage, I wish I had the gall.
I wish you felt the same as me,
or anything at all.
It's time make a choice and gaze toward the peak.
I can't find the answers,
nor the questions I seek.

I could jump
I could climb
I could fall
I could fly.

I am on the verge of life.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lost In Sense

Do you ever think about the world that we are not privilege to? The sounds that soar through the air at a frequency that we are not able to hear. The smells that pass through the air that we haven't the ability to recognize nor comprehend. The things that touch our skin so gently that we can not perceive it as contact. There are colors in this world that the human eye can not decipher. There are beauties, and terrors that, as people, we lack the necessary skills to understand and appreciate.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

There Are Many Roads

You can take the path you know,
one you don't,
or perhaps,
even forge one of your own.

My words feel like a path that leads to an unknown place. Each letter is a stride along the trail. I am prepared to walk blindly along and let my words cause me to stumble. My wish is that we could both be on a path where we fall together. Well...less a wish and more a dream!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Many Of My Thoughts Have Been Robbed

Many of the things I have thought about you, have been stolen from my slice of the cyber world. Today, we are making amends. Without a doubt, this is the most beautiful photo I have ever seen. Thank you for letting this photo be the inspiration to so many of the words I have written on this blog.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Hasta La Victoria Siempre!

Pay attention to that unhappy, and worn out young person behind the counter of your favorite major chain. Be it, McDonalds, Wal-Mart, Starbucks, or otherwise, pay them mind. Change breeds amongst the most common of circumstances. No one knows better that the world needs revolution more than that young person filled with hope, who gives all of their time and effort and sees the least of the rewards. Put them in an outfit that makes them look the same as all of the others around them, then give them less benefits than those they serve. Force them to smile. Let them sell happiness, and all the while struggle with the reality of their daily battle. Take their wages away, and give them less hours to work per week. This gives them time to organize their thoughts and stand up to the establishment. Even if they are not the personality-type that will physically stand up to those in charge, they will never respect the elite.

Patria O Muerte!